The plot follows a boy named light yagami, who receives a death note, a notebook that can kill any person whose name is written inside, from a shinigami. One of the larger genre listings on the manga/anime database myanimelist, there are a total of 1,436 supernatural anime currently listed on the website. 13/09/2021 · take the relationship between light yagami and ryuk in the hit series death note, for example. 13 of 50 (25%) required scores: 1, 2, 6, 12, 25.
The plot follows a boy named light yagami, who receives a death note, a notebook that can kill any person whose name is written inside, from a shinigami. When they cry (2006), supernatural anime can include lighter fanfare like the comedic harem the world god only … No second seasons and ovas. 138 users · 930 views. While the first instinct upon hearing about the supernatural may be a dark brooding tale such as higurashi : 13/09/2021 · take the relationship between light yagami and ryuk in the hit series death note, for example. 13 of 50 (25%) required scores: By taking in dario's son dio when the boy becomes fatherless, george hopes to repay the debt he owes to his savior.